24 February 2009

A Rhonda, By any other Name is still a Rhonda

I've had a fair share of nicknames in my day...as you can see:

1. Pro-star – I was a little cocky on the rugby field, which earned me this nickname
2. Swiss Miss – I do not get involved in all the squabbles between friends. I remain neutral and I do not gossip about my friends, so they started recognizing that
3. Shake – In high school, I dated a guy whose nickname was Small Fry because he was one of the smaller guys on the rugby team. Everyone thought it was hilarious to refer to us as Small Fry & Shake
4. Da – There really is no way to shorten the name Rhonda without calling me Ron, which I do not like. My best friend decided it was acceptable to call me Da for short
5. Small Paw – Part of my heritage is Native Canadian and I have VERY small hands
6. Care Bear – I was called this because I am a very sensitive person and I’m very compassionate
7. Baby – I was a smart ass and said I’d never date a man who called me “baby”...and yet we've been together for more than 10 years and I love him dearly
8. Pikachu – I never got into the whole phenomena, but I did love this little guy
9. Crazy Koala – I am a little hyper at times (especially if you give me caffeine) and I am a little vicious…combine those and I remind someone of a koala
10. Rhondz – Supposedly this is the “hip” way to say my name…young people today!

Is 10 nicknames a lot for a person to have over their life? What nicknames have you had and what is the story behind them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's a lot of nicknames Rhonda. I've never had one that stuck for more than a couple weeks. Except Missy, which one of my co-workers called me, but i think that was more because he couldn't remember my name...