08 September 2009

10 on Tuesday: Bad Habits I Can't Break

1. Multitasking
2. Throwing my clothes on the floor instead of putting them in a hamper
3. Procrastinating
4. Being messy
5. Watching too much television
6. Saving too many files to my desktop
7. Not folding clothes and putting them away as soon as they come from the dryer
8. Slouching
9. Hitting snooze for an hour in the mornings
10. Not answering my phone or door unless I know who it is

Play along here


Marice said...

we are the same TV addict ;)

Lynda said...

many of these are mine too !

annies home said...

around here multitasking is just part of life

Judi said...

Don't have a problem with #1 or #6, but I'm with you on the others. As far as not answering the door or phone, anyone who knows me at all would notify me first so I see that as justified.