16 September 2009

Top Celebrity Crushes

So, I suppose I'm too old for celelbrity crushes, but that's what really, are they good for anything else? :) And, i thought this would be a fun little list to do.

1. Nathan Fillion
2. Gale Harold
3. Ryan Gosling
4. Jesen Ackles
5. Jospeh Gordon-Levitt

1. Eliza Dushlu
2. Kristen Bell
3. Zooey Deshanel
4. Sara Ramirez
5. Christina Hendricks

11 September 2009

Friday Favourites: Books...again

Ok, so I think I got wrapped up in a whirlwind of Twilight, Edward Cullen frenzy, and the last time I wrote a list of my favourite books was during that time period. I've almost kept up with my goal of finishing one book per week this year and I think it is time for me to list my favourite reads so far...These are in no particular order of "favouriteness"

1. The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hall - This is a fantastically imaginative and abstract book.
2. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman - NG really is a rock star author. While I found this book to be a little too bard for children and it is found in the children's section of libraries and book stores, it is a great story and I loved it!
3. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
4. City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare
5. City of Glass by Cassandra Clare - Obviously, I loved the Mortal Instruments series. Though these are YA books, they were very well-written, the characters were interesting, and the story just kept getting better and better until it ended. BUT, the great news is, she has decided to write a fourth book and I hope she'll write even more
6. Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix - there was just so much action in this part of the Harry Potter story
7. Harry Potter & the Half-blood Prince - My favourite of all the HP books. I was really disappointed with the movie this summer
8. Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neill - Surprisingly the only vampire book that remains on my list. Very well-written, strong characters and a story that I can't wait to read more of when Friday Night Bites comes out next month
9. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - Believe it or not, I had never read Frankenstein. What was I thinking?! It is creepy and I love it.
10. The Doomsday Key by James Rollins - I love Rollins' Sigma characters and the action in his stories is fantastic. Plus I always learn something due to the thorough research he does for his stories. Read this book to find out what is happening to all the bees!

I'm sure I'll post another list of my favourite books again before the year is over, or at least, at the end of the year. I'll be spending time catching up to make sure I read my 52 books, so, what should I read next? What have been your favourite reads so far this year?

08 September 2009

10 on Tuesday: Bad Habits I Can't Break

1. Multitasking
2. Throwing my clothes on the floor instead of putting them in a hamper
3. Procrastinating
4. Being messy
5. Watching too much television
6. Saving too many files to my desktop
7. Not folding clothes and putting them away as soon as they come from the dryer
8. Slouching
9. Hitting snooze for an hour in the mornings
10. Not answering my phone or door unless I know who it is

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