19 November 2009

Thursday Thirteen: What a Productive Day List!

Well, this is my first ever Thursday 13, so I am going to keep it simple. I did not go to work today (I didn't fake sick, I actually had the day off)yet, I was incredibly productive at home! Here are 13 things I accomplished today:

1. 3 loads of laundry
2. Ran the dishwasher
3. Cleaned the entire kitchen
4. Baked chocolate chip cookies
5. Baked Skor Cookies
6. Finalized my weekend plans (Yes, that includes deciding to go see New Moon tomorrow)
7. Moved a dresser back into my bedroom from the guest room
8. Emptied the garbage (Yuck, I hate this and usually make someone else do it)
9. Started a new Christmas painting
10.Made the bed
11.Cooked a healthy dinner (Mmmm, CousCous)
12.Answered work calls
13.Cleaned the master bedroom

All on one coffee and I'm not even tired! What will I accomplish tomorrow?


Janet said...

Welcome to the T13!!! Sounds like you had a great day! I had to go in to Mass General Hospital in Boston to meet with my surgeon (had successful surgery 11/6) and it was my first big outing since the surgery. I was SO tired little old ladies were blowing past me LMAO! But it's all good and soon I'll be back hiking in the woods with my dogs and such.

jillconyers said...

I love lists and even better is checking it off as done :)