14 January 2009

Winter Survival List

Today, the temperature outside was minus 24 degrees Celsius when I left for work. That is very cold, so on point, here is a list of my winter survival items:

1. Mittens - not gloves, your fingers stay warmer when they are together as opposed to being alone in one little finger compartment of a glove
2. Tea – Especially peppermint and Chinese Green Tea; they warm you up quickly once you are inside
3. Hand-knit, natural fibre scarf - my alpaca wool scarf keeps me warmer than any other I have
4. You need a toque (a winter hat)most of your heat will escape thru your head if you do not wear one
5. Lots of craft projects, movies to watch and things to read so you go outside as little as possible – When it is this cold, it is acceptable to stay inside for 3 days in a row without leaving your house!
6. Layers - I am not a fan of having one big thick coat. I like to wear at least three layers but I do ensure that my coat is wind and water resistant, this really helps with snow and wind chills
7. Winter boots that are actually warm and water-resistant - these are actually hard to find unless you wear clunkers and sometimes those are hard to trot around in
8. Lip balm and facial moisturizer - The cold sucks ever bit of water out of you and you need all the hydration you can get
9. Hot chocolate

What do you need to get you thru the winter?


Anonymous said...

my ipod, to distract me from how cold i am while waiting for the bus, unable to read because my hands freeze while holding my book, and i can't change the pages. this is an essential part of my winter ensemble. :)

Rhonda said...

that is a fantastic addition and a grievous oversight by me. I never leave the house without my iphone. How could I have forgotten that?

Unknown said...

Green tea and plenty of it.

Hi Rhonda!

Rhonda said...

Hi Chris! Thanks for checking out my blog.