30 January 2009

Friday Fill Ins # 109

1. I'd really like a vacation/a nap right now.

2. Frack! is the word you'd most often hear me say if I stubbed my toe.

3. Possession is 9/10 of the law. (Cliché I know, but it is what first popped into my head)

4. I heart Captain Jack Sparrow.

5. Marshmallows and fire go together like spaghetti & meatballs.

6. I can always go on and on.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include hosting a Crafterday for some great friends and Sunday, I want to be lethargic all day and then cheer at the tv during the Superbowl as the Steelers win!

Do your own here: Friday Fill Ins


The Liebers said...

mmmmm...spaghetti and meatballs sounds delish!
BTW, "Son of a belly dancer" is something that a friend of mine in college used to say. It has saved me a few times in front of my kids. :)

Janet said...

I had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner tonight...yum!