30 January 2009

Friday Fill Ins # 109

1. I'd really like a vacation/a nap right now.

2. Frack! is the word you'd most often hear me say if I stubbed my toe.

3. Possession is 9/10 of the law. (Cliché I know, but it is what first popped into my head)

4. I heart Captain Jack Sparrow.

5. Marshmallows and fire go together like spaghetti & meatballs.

6. I can always go on and on.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include hosting a Crafterday for some great friends and Sunday, I want to be lethargic all day and then cheer at the tv during the Superbowl as the Steelers win!

Do your own here: Friday Fill Ins

23 January 2009

Friday Fill-Ins #108

1. Oh, I am so happy!

2. I love changes, big and little.

3. During January, I dream big & plan.

4. Return an engagement ring from Johnny Depp!; are you kidding me???

5. Right now I'd like to be sitting at home, knitting.

6. My iPhone & my camera are my favorite gadgets. (I could not pick between them)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching some DVR’d television, tomorrow my plans include organizing and posting things on eBay and Sunday, I want to drink hot chocolate with whipped cream!

18 January 2009

Favourite Comic Book Heroes & Heroines

1. Wonder Woman
2. Thor
3. Daredevil
4. Batgirl
5. Robin - Tim Drake
6. Batman
7. Invincible
8. Spiderman
9. Pixie- She’s an X-Man in the comics X-Infernus & Uncanny X-Men
10. Captain America
11. Green Lantern - Kyle Rayner, not one of the others
12. Wolverine
13. Rogue
14. Kitty Pryde
15. Lilandra from the comic Fallen Angel

Does anyone out there read comics? Who are your favourite heroes & heroines?

Also, I'm working on a list of my favourite villains, but I can't figure out what makes a villain worthy of being a favourite...Is it the most despicable? Those who are conflicted about what they do? Those who are villainous for a noble cause? I'm not sure yet, but check back soon for this list.

16 January 2009

Friday Fill Ins - # 107

1. Enough with the stingingly cold weather.

2. Craft sales cause me to be conflicted. (Do I really need all this stuff?)
3. I've been craving chocolate cupcakes.

4. Talking animals on tv/in movies make me laugh.

5. I wish I could go to Florida next week. (I am not handling the weather well this winter)

6. Starting my own business has been on my mind lately.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to eating moose sausage for the first time, tomorrow my plans include cleaning and organizing all our belongings which had been sitting in our parents’ house for 7 years and Sunday, I want to Bake!

Go here to do your own Friday Fill In: http://fridayfillins.blogspot.com/

14 January 2009

Winter Survival List

Today, the temperature outside was minus 24 degrees Celsius when I left for work. That is very cold, so on point, here is a list of my winter survival items:

1. Mittens - not gloves, your fingers stay warmer when they are together as opposed to being alone in one little finger compartment of a glove
2. Tea – Especially peppermint and Chinese Green Tea; they warm you up quickly once you are inside
3. Hand-knit, natural fibre scarf - my alpaca wool scarf keeps me warmer than any other I have
4. You need a toque (a winter hat)most of your heat will escape thru your head if you do not wear one
5. Lots of craft projects, movies to watch and things to read so you go outside as little as possible – When it is this cold, it is acceptable to stay inside for 3 days in a row without leaving your house!
6. Layers - I am not a fan of having one big thick coat. I like to wear at least three layers but I do ensure that my coat is wind and water resistant, this really helps with snow and wind chills
7. Winter boots that are actually warm and water-resistant - these are actually hard to find unless you wear clunkers and sometimes those are hard to trot around in
8. Lip balm and facial moisturizer - The cold sucks ever bit of water out of you and you need all the hydration you can get
9. Hot chocolate

What do you need to get you thru the winter?

10 January 2009

2009 Resolutions

So, what are your resolutions for this year?

09 January 2009

Friday Fill Ins

1. It's January; __and it is cold___.

2. __Breathing thru my nose___ is what I crave most right now.

3. Cork and wine go together like ___????__.

4. __Oatmeal___ is so nourishing.

5. Let us dare to __believe in ourselves to achieve our goals in 2009___.

6. ___I love____ my home.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to ___sleeping__, tomorrow my plans include __baking banana bread___ and Sunday, I want to __relax and enjoy some playoff football___!

Go here to participate: http://fridayfillins.blogspot.com

List; The First, Reasons I am starting this blog

Reasons I am starting this blog:
1. I luv writing lists
2. I like sharing lists with other people
3. I like it when people discuss my lists with me
4. I like reading other people's lists
5. I had a goal to start a blog and this one seemed like the most fun at the current time

Welcome, here I will share lists with you fairly regularly. Come back and let me know what you think of my lists and provide me with your ideas too.

Upcoming list: New Year's Resolutions that I am not likely to keep...